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Popular Fiction

A short course on nuances of reading and writing popular fiction


21 April - 14 May, 2021

8 x 90 min Sessions | Online

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm IST

For 12 - 16 yo 

Why Popular Fiction

If you are reading the description of this course, then you more than likely have an avid interest in reading.


Have you ever wondered why that is the case? Why we are compelled to read about people that never existed, places that never were, things that never happened? And why we have that itch to tell a story of our own, but sometimes just can't find the words to tell it? 


This course will be a journey into the mystifying and magical world of fiction, and understanding what this world can tell us about our own. More importantly, it will be a journey into understanding ourselves, and finding the stories that exist inside each and every one of us. 

Course Breakdown

Popular Fiction Course Breakdown.png

At the end of the course children will write the first chapter of their very own novel

Who is this course for?

This Immersive offering is for you: 

  • if you love reading and want to learn how to read between the lines 

  • if you are curious about how and why authors construct stories in certain ways

  • if you want to understand what makes certain books popular and how this has evolved

  • if you want to write a book yourself one day, or at least a short story or two!

  • if you want to meet people with different perspectives and stories to share


Join us if you would like to try your hand at writing a story and are excited to meet more young writers from around the country! 


This course is a part of the Immersive offerings designed to enable young learners to experience choice-based learning and deep dive into an interest area. 


The sessions will take place at 6:30 pm IST (Delhi).

Each session will last for 90 minutes and take place via Zoom.​

Session 1 - 21st Apr, Wednesday

Session 2 - 23rd Apr, Friday 

Session 3 - 28th Apr, Wednesday

Session 4 - 30th Apr, Friday 

Session 5 - 5th May, Wednesday 

Session 6 - 7th May, Friday

Session 7 - 12th May, Wednesday

Session 8 - 14th May, Friday 


We offer our courses at 4 price bands. We invite you to pay whatever works best for you. 


The lower bands (Band A and B) are subsidised to ensure that the money does not deter anyone from access to learning. Band C and D enable us to sustain this model and support scholarship participants.


  • Band A: scholarships for children who are unable to pay

  • Band B: INR 3000

  • Band C: INR 6000 

  • Band D: INR 8000 


We offer upto 100% scholarships on a need-basis.

We do not want money to deter anyone from joining our courses


If you are excited about this course, but need financial support, feel free to write to us at

Meet the Facilitator

Niall Walsh


Niall has loved reading since the day he first learned how in the midst of the forest where he grew up, and this passion eventually led him to teach literature at the Riverside School in India. Niall has also taught courses in Popular Fiction at Dublin City University and is currently teaching Creative Thinking at University College Dublin.


Niall is currently working on a novel of his own, and loves to write poetry too, when the mood takes him. Most importantly, he loves how much you can learn about people through the stories they tell, and he feels the world would be a much better place if we all became better readers and writers of stories. Niall's online company, MentorEng, brings the iGCSE Literature & English syllabus to life, and he loves nothing more than building connections with his students. 

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